Rick Burns Ministries
501 (c) 3 Non Profit Corporation
Prison Crusades
Rick Burns Ministries is planning several crusades at prisons in Woodville, Jasper, and Dayton in 2022. Crusades consist of a band playing for close to an hour, a testimony speaker, a message, and an activation of the message by ministry volunteers. There are two main messages we use: The Art of Blessings and The Culture of Honor. At the end of each event our activation is physically blessing and honoring the inmates to show them how to bless and honor their loved ones. We want to show the inmates that they are valuable human beings regardless of their present circumstances.
Marriage SeminarsRick Burns Ministries assists and participates in the Marriage Seminars conducted by Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness Ministries in Texas prisons. Johnny and Betty Moffitt founded WVIW and have been doing these marriage seminars for many, many years. There are 3 marriage seminars scheduled for 2022: Hughes Unit, Gib Lewis Unit, and Estelle Unit. Each one is a three day event consisting of services, guided topic discussions, smalls groups, husband/wife meals together, and supervised special personal time.
Mission Trips
Rick Burns Ministries also schedules mission trips. Our main focus has been Roatan, Honduras for the last several years. The mission trips have several points of focus; food and ministry at the Roatan dump for the homeless, food and ministry for a boys orphanage in Gravel Bay, food and ministry at the Roatan Jail for those incarcerated, donations of OTC medicine and ministry at two Roatan health clinics, street ministry in the town of West End, and ministry outreach and church services with several island churches with whom we have developed wonderful relationships. We want to show the love of Jesus Christ to everyone we meet by blessing them with love and compassion.
Anger Management Seminars
Rick Burns Ministries is planning several all-day Anger Management seminars in 2022: Gib Lewis Unit (men) in Woodville, Plane State Jail (women) in Dayton, Henley Unit (women) in Dayton, and Goodman Unit (men) in Jasper, Texas. Our ministry provides coffee and donuts for the inmates at all of the seminars, and two of the four scheduled will include subway sandwiches, chips, lemonade, water, and coffee.